Saturday, May 15, 2010

I like blue...i would like to have blue blood, to be member of the royal family. don't you?

It's an expression. In the olden days the common folk would work in the fields all day but the rich would stay inside, and thus they'd have much paler skin than the tanned commoners. As opposed to today, pale skin was considered fashionable and was associated only with the rich. This pale skin meant that the people's veins could be seen clearer, which are blue, so thus rich people were said to have blue blood.

In reality, we're all made of the same stuff.

I like blue...i would like to have blue blood, to be member of the royal family. don't you?
Some of the answers are incorrect, First thing: Blood is *never* blue. Blood is described as dark red (venous) or bright red (arterial). Our veins look blue because we are looking at them *through* our skin. The blood inside them is dark red and it doesn't reflect light very well.
Reply:I like red, so I will stick with red blood, no thank you.
Reply:Everyone has blue blood. It just turns red when it reacts with oxygen in the air upon exposure.

As for royalty...why? Just be happy being yourself. There is no one on the planet quite like you. :)
Reply:No. Never wanted to be anyone but myself.
Reply:i didn't know blood is blue? it turns red when it gets contact with oxygen? but blood carries oxygen throughout the body back to the heart. the heart needs oxygen to pump up blood. That means even when the blood is inside our body, it still have constant contact with oxygen.

even the royal blooded have red blood not blue. Only the insect has different blood color. some of them has green blood.

all i know is that i enjoy more freedom than most royalties who have to live with millions of protocols they have to follow.
Reply:Not really thanks to inbreading most royal lines have a higher incidence of problems.

In today's world, that's kind of like living in a golfish bowl with no rocks to hide behind.
Reply:blue blood means to be born rich, like me or paris hilton lol
Reply:well, technically your blood is blue till you get cut and oxygen hits it and then it turns red (look at your veins, they are blue arent they???)


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