Saturday, May 15, 2010

Are blue eyes very common?

My eyes are a royal blue. My uncle said you dont see them very often. Is this true?

Are blue eyes very common?
Blue eyes is a recessive trait, meaning that if one parent has brown eyes and the other has blue, the child will almost always have brown eyes.

Blue eyes going by that case are uncommon, and depending on where you are located they can be very uncommon. Most Southern European nations have brown eyes as for northern Europe blue eyes are pretty common.

Going back to a basic answer, it depends on the region of the world.
Reply:sorta. 25% of the population has blue eyes
Reply:Depends on where you're standing when you ask that question. Where I grew up, my brown eyes made me different and I liked that. Now I live in south Texas and I live in a sea of brown eyes. Couldn't tell you about royal blue but I bet they stand out and make you uniquely you.
Reply:I don't think brown eyes are dominant. I have brown eyes and none of my children do. Depends on ancestors, too. If one of the parents is Latin, Italian or some other heritage other than Anglo Saxon, then brown would dominate. Many Americans are blue-eyed. I would guess more than 25%.
Reply:I'd have to say that most people have brown eyes. I have blue eyes though!
Reply:depends where you live

brown eye color is the dominant trait
Reply:yes blue eyes come in second after brown eyes. i would have to say green eyes would be less common out of the three colors, as for other different colors i wouldnt know

Reply:sort of, green, gold, and violet eyes are among the most uncommon. yes golden and violet eyes r possible, my dads are golden with a green ring around the outside and a green gray ring around the pupile.
Reply:i have blue eyes! all my family has like grey adn brown w/ light-dark brown hair. i have bright blue eyes and bright blonde hair!

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