Saturday, November 14, 2009

Where can I find a royal blue lamp shade to fit a floor lamp? I can't seem to locate one anywhere!?

Really want to get it by Mother's Day for my mom!

Where can I find a royal blue lamp shade to fit a floor lamp? I can't seem to locate one anywhere!?
Since time is of essence, try spray painting a shade with fabric spray paint found generally in a craft store. such as Hobby Lobby or Michaels. The cap on the can is the color of the paint. You may need two coats to get the shade that you desire.
Reply:Spray painting it would be the easiest. It should take a couple or possibly 3 coats to get the desired shade.
Reply:I have dyed a lamp shade before - successfully.First buy a white one. I used an extra long lasagna pan to put the dye mixture in. Follow the directions on the "Ritz" dye packet (or bottle) for on the stove instructions to make the mixture. Then fill up your pan with the dye. Put the lamp shade in %26amp; roll it over %26amp; over until you reach the desired shade. I dyed mine dark brown, so it took awhile, but turned out great!
Reply:OK, you may not be able to do this by Mothers Day, but a good idea would be to make one. Maybe you and she can do a project together. What better present than spending time together. Go to a fabric store and pick out a fabric color that would work, maybe even a pattern in the right color, that would still allow light through and then either place over current shade or affix to "frame" of lampshade by itself after removing current cover. You can measure by using former cover, or just place your fabric flat and "roll" the shade in a semi-circle and draw the outline, leaving at least an inch to inch and half extra to fold over the frame. Affix with fabric adhesive, which you can also use to trim the shade with cording or fancier trim.

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